Monday, October 4, 2010

No way!

I haven't been here since February! Here it is already October. It might take a bit to catch up. That's alright, I love writing. Well, perhaps I should change writing to typing cause I am not really using a pen/pencil. I am obviously using my computer. Let's see what has been happening. Through FB I found some people I knew in high school. What a trip! That has been super amazing. I met up with a teacher that had me as a student her first year of teaching AND she is in her 29th year of teaching. Well hello reality check!
Ashlin turned 13 and began 8th grade in August, which started the 17th. NO WAY! I am in denial about her being a t-e-e-n-a-g-e-r. Nope not happening. I really don't have much say in it, do I?
Calleigh and Melanie are wonderful to watch WHEN they're not in trouble. Nicole complete 3 sessions of classes through UOP online. I am proud of that girl. She is now getting ready to start at a community college in January.
Ken seems has been in an outage that will continue until November or December. He works a lot of hours so he is tired by the time he comes home. We try to keep the girls entertained so he can have some quiet. It's hard because by that time of the day, they are getting the grouchies. It seems that the evening meal is the most chaotic of the whole day.
I am trying to bring back some kind of order to the house. It at times seems futile with two pre-schoolers here. I have figured out that if you give them a blanket statement like, "Pick up your toys.", they bail immediately. However, if you are in the midst of the cleanup helping, they respond much better. They still get, distracted especially if it's toys we are putting away.

This past summer, we went to So. Cal. to see my dad and my sister-who was visiting, too. Ashlin and I went to Hollywood. We just missed Jerry BruckheimerNicole met her biological father. Um that didn't turn too well. That's all I have to say about that.
I faced him for the first time in 22 years. He is not doing very good, healthwise. I, finally, am at peace with what went down between us and I felt validated by my decision to flee. I no longer live in fear for my life. That is awesome. Here's the thing, though. I have lived with that for so long that I feel like a part of me is empty and I don't know what to fill it with. I'll figure it out seomeday.
Nicole and I went to Ashland, OR to see "Pride and Prejudice" on Mother's day weekend. It was a blast. We drove as far as Grant's Pass on backroads. We drove from Medford to Klamath Falls. It was truly beautiful and relaxing. I came home to a nice pastel green Master Bath! Cool, huh? Ashlin and I also went to Ashland to see "Henry the IV." We didn't stay the night. Then the three of us went to see "Hamlet". We went to dinner at a really nice restaurant. Stayed the night then went to the play. Bravo & Marvelous. Had a good time.
Nicole and I took the girls to Elko to drop them off with Michael's parents. It was a long drive. They were gone for a little over a month. We picked them up in Sacramento. They have been home for a little under three weeks and have been discovering new ways to play. Today, we took Rayden and Gibbs for a walk. Calleigh walked Gibbs. Rayden pulled the wagon for a little ways. Then Ashlin took him because he was really tugging on the leash. So then, we got Melanie out of the wagon and let her pull it(empty). they really had alot of fun. These two girls ten to get bored!
Calleigh is working on her letters and doing quite well. We sat down yesterday and I helped her by telling her where to start and stop. She caught on and seems to love "writing". We need to work on letter sounds. That, too, will be absorbed like a sponge is to water.
Ashlin and I are going to Coloma Friday for her Living History Docents. I am driving my car there with a good friend-but no kids. That's ok with me. My friend and I will be able to chat.
I like that!
Well, need to wrap this up for the night. Good night everyone. Sleep tight and sweet dreams.


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