Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Wow! Time flies! Here it is heading towards the middle of May. Mother's Day has passed and my mom's birthday has passed. It was hard being the first without her. I miss her so much. It's amazing how I can just plug along and suddenly be overtaken with emotions. According to my friends, that eases with time.
I am finally not coughing all the time. I think the two weeks of antibiotics was a really good idea.
There are so many transitions right now. Ashlin is getting ready to graduate from 8th grade and going into high school. That is huge for her and me. She is making so many decisions that are independent and wise. Seeing Shirley for the first time by herself was really big. It was awkward because I had mixed emotions about it, at first. I am glad. I have wanted her to take steps to take steps to take care of her Diabetes. I mean, she doesn't need me like she use to in that respect. She is taking responsibility for her food intake. My role in that is a little tougher. I have to keep my nose to the grindstone to help keep her on her meal plan. It's not fair for me to be pigging out on junk and expect her to eat healthy. So, I have to change my ways a bit, too. She, however, is responsible for her own meal plan. I am trying really hard to buy the fruit and veggies and stuff that she needs to support her. Even tonight, I made the choice to bring home fruit instead of chocolate. I really wanted chocolate. That wouldn't be fair to Ashlin and it really wouldn't be good for me. I made a deliberate choice to bring home fruit. Tomorrow, the girls will benefit from that choice, too.
What is interesting to me is why it is hard to make some of the simple choices. For example, which load of laundry should I do first? What should we have for dinner? Should I go to the drug store first or the grocery store? It seems the simpler the choice the more difficult they are. Crazy, huh? Yeah.
Well, for now, I am choosing to sign off and go to bed. I am tired. All this choosing has worn me out!