Friday, November 4, 2011

The Land of Duhs

Hey! It has been a long long time. Calleigh has begun kindergarten and seems to love it alot. Hard to believe, I know. Melanie has adjusted to Calleigh being gone in the morning. She actually quite likes it. The toys are all hers to play with. For the most part, she is content as content can be.
I was thinking this morning about some stuff that makes me wonder as a parent how many times I have done this. When I was a youngster probably about Melanie's age-4ish, I was riding a neighbor's big wheel type vehicle made out of metal. One of the neighbor boys ran into me. I had my fingers curled around the edge of the area above the wheel when he ran into me. It cut my fingers and I had to get stitches. My mom said, "You are not going to play on that again." Duh. My own choice was "Darn straight I am not going ride that again." Then again in high school when I was at practice for basketball, I broke my foot. My mom said, "No more basketball for you." Duh. By the time my foot would have healed, basketball would have been over.
Now as a mom and grandma, I really do wonder, how many times I have done this myself. Stating the obvious. And I am sure that my children, if they read this will comment on this will have a whole bunch of "Duh" moments for me. So, girls, here is your opportunity to list away!

1 comment:

  1. We've had plenty of duh moments. I'm just not stupid enough to disrespect you by saying duh to you like that. When we're joking on the other hand we say it all the time!
